Flying Changes Center
for Therapeutic Riding
Welcome to Flying Changes!

One of the most graceful and powerful moves in dressage, the flying change, is the mid-air transition requiring the same strength, confidence, and patience necessary for the building of Self and taking control of one’s life – the very essence of therapeutic riding.
At Flying Changes Center for Therapeutic Riding, Inc. therapeutic goals are implemented in an experiential setting by engaging the rhythmic movement of the Horse and the powerful dynamic of human/animal bond to effect change. The Center serves 60 – 80 diagnosed handicapped children and adults ages three years to senior adulthood each week and over three hundred individuals annually. Clients are referred through state agencies, rehabilitation centers, group homes, and schools. FCCTR staff works closely with families and medical/educational/social services specialists and educators already involved with our clients to develop equine facilitated programming.

Therapeutic horseback riding began in Europe over 50 years ago. It grew from a spark of intuitive wisdom in a few dedicated equestrians, into an established treatment method, now widely recognized by the medical, psychiatric, and social service professions worldwide. In the United States, quality of programming and accreditation for over 400 centers is monitored by the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA), a non-profit service organization dedicated to promoting horseback riding for the handicapped.

In 2004, over 70% of handicapped clients served at Flying Changes were low income/Medicare eligible. The Center depends on contributions and donations from outside sources to enable us to continue to help our economically disadvantaged, as well as mentally and physically handicapped individuals. We actively fund raise to maintain a scholarship fund so that income eligible children may access services on a consistent basis. Scholarship guidelines are available at the Center office.
Heritage Days in Bath, Fourth of July Parade 2005

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